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How to be brilliant

By Sparkie Malarkie

Never too cool for school, never too young to learn.



Fruit & Veg

Your body is a supercomputer.

Power, circuitry, constant refreshing, and fuel are needed to make it happen.

All from your Greens and Reds 

We call this innate intelligence


Fall in love with fruit and veg


Water is life

75% of your body is WATER


There are 5 functions of water

Obesity linked to dehydration
Cellular health needs water

Water needs minerals
Water needs to be clean

Water as nature intended



Did you know breathing out is more important than breathing in?

Every cell in your body requires oxygen

Breathing makes you calm and capable



Dancing is good for you

Stand up once an hour

Get short of breath in movement
Run up hills
Feel the burn
Have fun
Don't be too serious 


Gut Health is life wealth

We question the science

We set standards

We explain the importance

We change lives 


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